Search Engine Optimization Tips (SEO Tips)
No one can tell exactly how your web site appears at the top of search engine results and what is the search engines needed to do it. But there are some techniques that can use to optimize your site to get a great result.
Here I’m going to tell you some of techniques that I have personally got great result with my SEO campaign. Search Engine Optimization is something that is frequently changing but if you learn at least the basic techniques you won’t go wrong.
Basically Search Engine Optimization means how your website gains a top order placement of Search engine results.
I will use my blog as an example while I going through this techniques.
Most of bloggers say having your Keywords in URL of your site is important. My opinion is it is not a most important factor in SEO campaign but certainly it has some kind of value. Don’t worry it definitely would not hurt to go ahead. See my main Key words are online Money earning and blogging, I have earn and blog in my URL
Meta Tags:
This is a one of main fragment of on-page SEO campaign. Meta tags are placed between Head section of your site and it gives the main description/ idea about your blog or site to the search Engines. I have already given a big description about this category in a previous posts so I’m not going to present a big story here.
Key words :
I think this is the most important part. Selecting a good keyword is like half done. Always use a popular keyword. That will give you a great help. If you select a most searching keyword there is a big possibility to gain your site to the top of search result. See in my blog I use keyword like earn money, emoney, SEO.
Internal Linking:
Linking is method what is use to connect another page, another site or a place via a text or an image in the present page. This is also a traffic building method. If some one clicks on one link then it takes that user to another page. You can use this method to link your each web page or blog post between every post. This is a very valuable tip. If some one wants to build a page ranked blog he must use this tip. See in my every post I have included links to some words.