
Early to bed and early to rise - Till you get enough money to do otherwise.

Being rich doesnt always mean having money, It means being happy with the amount you have.

It takes a brain to earn money, but a heart to give it..

Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have..

After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box..

Friday, December 23, 2011

Snow Falling on Your Blog in This Winter

Snow Falling on Your Blog in This Winter

Hello my little fellow friends, this winter I’m going to give you a little trick to modify your blog’s appear. You all know in winter season there is snow falling on your ground. So to day I’m going to teach how to create a snow falling effect to your blog (As show on my blog). I think now you are interested about it. I’m sure this will delight your blog visitors.  Easy to set up, I’ll tell you step by step.

1. Sign up to your blogger account and go to Design
2. Page Elements > Add a Gadget > Choose HTML/Javascript gadget
3. Paste the following code in to it

   <script type="text/javascript">
     //Configure below to change URL path to the snow image
     var snowsrc="    VH61UbDY/s400/snow.gif"
     // Configure below to change number of snow to render
     var no = 25;
     // Configure whether snow should disappear after x seconds (0=never):
     var hidesnowtime = 0;
     // Configure how much snow should drop down before fading ("windowheight" or "pageheight")
     var snowdistance = "pageheight";
   ///////////Stop Config//////////////////////////////////
     var ie4up = (document.all) ? 1 : 0;
     var ns6up = (document.getElementById&&!document.all) ? 1 : 0;
       function iecompattest(){
      return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")?    document.documentElement : document.body
     var dx, xp, yp;    // coordinate and position variables
     var am, stx, sty;  // amplitude and step variables
    var i, doc_width = 800, doc_height = 600;

     if (ns6up) {
       doc_width = self.innerWidth;
       doc_height = self.innerHeight;
     } else if (ie4up) {
       doc_width = iecompattest().clientWidth;
       doc_height = iecompattest().clientHeight;
     dx = new Array();
     xp = new Array();
     yp = new Array();
     am = new Array();
     stx = new Array();
     sty = new Array();
     snowsrc=(snowsrc.indexOf("")!=-1)? "   5f_2SzAI/AAAAAAAAFi8/Uf-VH61UbDY/s400/snow.gif" : snowsrc
     for (i = 0; i < no; ++ i) {
       dx[i] = 0;                        // set coordinate variables
       xp[i] = Math.random()*(doc_width-50);  // set position variables
       yp[i] = Math.random()*doc_height;
       am[i] = Math.random()*20;         // set amplitude variables
       stx[i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; // set step variables
       sty[i] = 0.7 + Math.random();     // set step variables
           if (ie4up||ns6up) {
         if (i == 0) {
           document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ i +"\" style=\"POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: "+ i +";  VISIBILITY: visible; TOP: 15px; LEFT: 15px;\"><a href=\"\"><img    src='"+snowsrc+"' border=\"0\"><\/a><\/div>");
         } else {
           document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ i +"\" style=\"POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: "+ i +";  VISIBILITY: visible; TOP: 15px; LEFT: 15px;\"><img src='"+snowsrc+"' border=\"0\"><\/div>");
     function snowIE_NS6() {  // IE and NS6 main animation function
       doc_width = ns6up?window.innerWidth-10 : iecompattest().clientWidth-10;
           doc_height=(window.innerHeight && snowdistance=="windowheight")? window.innerHeight : (ie4up    && snowdistance=="windowheight")?  iecompattest().clientHeight : (ie4up && !window.opera &&   snowdistance=="pageheight")? iecompattest().scrollHeight : iecompattest().offsetHeight;
       for (i = 0; i < no; ++ i) {  // iterate for every dot
         yp[i] += sty[i];
         if (yp[i] > doc_height-50) {
           xp[i] = Math.random()*(doc_width-am[i]-30);
           yp[i] = 0;
           stx[i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10;
           sty[i] = 0.7 + Math.random();
         dx[i] += stx[i];
         document.getElementById("dot"+i).style.left=xp[i] + am[i]*Math.sin(dx[i])+"px";
       snowtimer=setTimeout("snowIE_NS6()", 10);
       function hidesnow(){
           if (window.snowtimer) clearTimeout(snowtimer)
           for (i=0; i<no; i++) document.getElementById("dot"+i).style.visibility="hidden"
   if (ie4up||ns6up){
           if (hidesnowtime>0)
           setTimeout("hidesnow()", hidesnowtime*1000)


If you want to change the no of snow balls edit the No 25

Also you can change the snow ball by replacing “” link with yours

I think now you are also delighted by inserting this snow falling effect to your blog in this Christmas season. Keep in touch with Bloggers more blogger tricks coming soon

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Meta Tag Explained

Meta Tag Explained

(Meta Tag Part II)

Hello friends, as I told u in earlier post to day finally I’m going to describe Meta tag codes one by one
I think you have added Meta tags to you page after reading my last post about Meta tags,

Title Tag

<Title> Your Blog Title<Title/>

This tag is mostly use by search engine bots (ex: google bot….) to index your blog in search results. Also it gives a quick description to search engines.

Description Tag

<Meta content='Your Blog Description Here' name='description'/>

Under this tag you can add a short description about your blog, but don’t use more than 30-35 characters to do that because nearly first 20-25 characters are only displaying in search result , so use KISS format, don’t misunderstand I mean Keep It Short and Sweet. This is the most important tag.

Keywords Tag

<Meta content=’ Keywords of Your Blog' name='keywords'/> 

This tag is also looks like the Description tag. Keywords tag is typically used for synonyms and alternates of title words. Under this tag you can add some key words related to your blog content. From this tag Search engine can identify the content about your blog and show your blog at related keyword search results. But don’t add many keywords as you can because as I told early most of search engines are indexed only first 80-100 characters of this section. So add only most valuable key words to this section

Author Tag

<Meta content="Blog owners Name" name="author"/>

This tag is not purpose for the SEO, because this tag describe only the ownership of the blog, it means if you are the owner of this blog you can include your name to this tag. From this you can add a professional look to the blog.

Copyright Tag

<Meta content="2011, Your Trademark" name="copyright"/>

The Copyright tag is used to include a copyright, trademark, patent, or other information that related to intellectual property. But Please be aware that the Meta Copyright tag will not protect your blog content or your intellectual property

Language Tag

<Meta Name="Language" Content="English">
The Meta Language tag is used to observe the language you used to create the website. Webmasters who wants to confirm the primary language of the web page can use this Language tag.
If you are using another language other than English I always highly recommend you to use Meta Language tag.

Revisit Tag

< Meta Name ="Revisit-After" Content="30 days Days">

The Meta Revisit tag is used to inform search engine bots when to return to index your site. Site like blogs are always updating so search engine bots have to come and index new updates to there search engines. My recommendation is keep this between 15-25 days. but according to my knowledge search engine bots are not obey to our commands, even we added meta revisit tag they came back to our blog to index it in there own schedule. So my view is this is not a very important tag.

Expires Tag

<Meta Content="Never" Name="Expires"/>
Meta Expires tag is used to announce the date and time, after when the blog article should be considered as expired. Use never for the blogs and if u wants to ad expiration date, add it in “Day Month Year” format (Ex: “06 December 2011”). But according to my experience this Tag is worthless.

Distribution Tag

<Meta Content="global" Name="distribution"/>

The Meta Distribution tag is used to declare the distribution of your blog content.
There are three methods on it
  • Global – To entire worlds
  • Local - reserved for the local IP block of your site
  • IU - Internal Use, not for public distribution only for internal use
Now I think you have got some idea about Meta tags. Keep reading forward more SEO news coming soon.

Tags: Meta Tags, What is Meta Tags, How to add Meta Tags

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Meta Tags

Meta Tags

(Meta Tag Part I)

 Most of web owners still didn’t use Meta tags at all. I don’t know the reason for that but I know the importance of these Meta tags, so to day I’m going to tell you the importance of Meta tags and how to insert them to your site. Don’t worry it is easy and simple.

It is basically HTML codes that are inserted into the header section on a web page to describe the content about your posts, In the context of search engine optimization, usually it consist of a Meta description and a key words. when people refer to Meta tags, they are usually referring to the Meta description tag and the Meta keywords tag.

Meta description tag and the Meta keywords tag are not seen by users. Instead, these tags main purpose is providing Meta document data to user agents, such as search engines. In addition to the well-known Meta description and keywords tags, there are some other useful Meta tags, including the Meta http-equiv tag, Meta refresh tag, the Meta robots tag, the Meta copyright tag, and the Meta author tag, etc.

These tags are used to give web browsers and search engine spiders directions or data on various information.. Also these tags helps search engine to describe the web page. Most of other search engines like google are still categorize their data according to META tags. So META tags can be used for search engine optimization (SEO).

Do you want to Insert Meta tags to your page?

Ok I know the Answer is YES. Lets do it like this

1st step
Sign in to your blogger account.

2nd step

3rd step
Find the header section (press Ctrl+F and type <head>)
Past the code given in below (this code is made for my blog)

<meta content='Adsense, Forex, SEO, Blogging, tools, tutorials, crazy, stream, bogger, secretes, vector, free, icons, design, Fun' name='keywords'/>
<meta content=' free SEO tricks, traffic building methods, blog tricks, blog tools, Adsense Secrets, Forex Trading, Forex Guide, templates , web tricks, blog tricks funny thing and etc i got. all of them are always free for you.' name='description'/>
<meta content='20 Days' name='Revisit-after'/>
<meta content='Global' name='Distribution'/>
<meta content='english' name='Language'/>
<meta content='never' name='Expires'/>
<meta content='Rasika' name='author'/>
<meta content=' 2011, Meet the Bloggers ' name='copyright'/>
<meta content='index' name='robots'/>

Identify and insert relevant data to you page, (the bold Content are inserted relevant to my page). Some time you may have no idea about these codes. So
Please be patient I will next describe you about these codes. Have a nice day

Tags: What is Meta Tags, How to add Meta Tags, Meta Tag creator, Meta Tag Generator 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Google +1 Increases Your Search Engine Ranking

Google +1 Increases Your Search Engine Ranking

When we hear the word Internet, number of things comes to our mind, but when we saying about search engine, Google have the domination on this term. Indeed, the expression “Google it,” has become a slogan most of us say at least once a day. Google has this impact for the good reasons; it is one of the most groundbreaking, powerful and the largest search engine in the whole world. With its enormous pool of very talented programmers, Google normally tries to remain at the helm with its technical prowess and from time to its modernizations even throw a spanner in the works of the Search Engine Optimization, web creation and landing page designs. That is all about google.

Google has implemented some of the social media and networking web page features, and has come out with Google +1 button, which is very similar to “like” button that we see on the Facebook. The whole notion makes sense from a consumer point of view – your friend tells you that something is good; you presume it is, and is enthusiastic over try it. Prior to the social media boom, we had to deal with the advice of salespersons as they slowly tried to induce us to purchase that product. As we are all aware, building trust and a good status with customers is important to a healthy business, but when we have relatives and friends, who already have gotten that trust, recommending products, the result is a constructive one for all.

For all those who do not consider themselves Internet practical understanding, Google plus one button authorizes others who are conducting searches to propose and endorse the chosen web page to other users or even their close relatives. When you find some constructive listing after carrying out search on some subject, you can let somebody know of this by just clicking on the “+1” button placed just besides the linkage. It is in reality a kind of “thumbs up” to a particular website or link. While clicking on this button, if you are on Gmail or the Google account, your name will flicker on the contacts or the friends who has a connection with you through different Google accounts. This makes this function very personalized and social. One can get all these when you buy Google plus one.

It is now clear that when you buy Google +1, it will definitely have some impact on the ways you do business than the earlier used SEO. This “+1” button will not remain restricted to the Google search listings alone, but will soon be available to various other websites all across the internet. Moreover, this clearly shows that, Google plus one improves your search engine ranking. The owners of web pages can place this button on their locations to seek of approvals and then observe then during analytics. This is an innovative way of the Google to fine-tune their ranking method for the search engine by relying not only on their algorithms but on the approvals of the users as well.

Please be patient I’ll next tell you how to add Google + button to your web page or blog.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Submit your blog to Google search results

Submit your blog to Google search results
You all know traffic is the most valuable thing for a blog or site. You may be known search engines are the most effective traffic driving method. So it's very important to submit your blog for the search result. That’s why most of people try to submit there site to search engines. From all of search engines Google is the most powerful and most attractive search engine in the world. It is easy to submit your blog or site to Google search engine. Here I tell you it step by step.

1st step
Login to your Google account

2nd step

3rd step
 Add your URL and give a little comment about it (2- 3 Line enough)

4th step
Then type the captcha code correctly and submit it.

After submitting the captcha you will redirected to the same page again. Now you have submitted the URL to Google search engine

This is not enough to get indexed. Also you have to tell the blog updates to the Google every time then they will Index your blog at the search result
Use this steps I’m use this always, get success

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How can we earn money from Forex trading?

How can we earn money from Forex trading ????

The values of the currencies are change in every millisecond in the forex market so the profit and loss of a forex trader is totally dependent on changes in the value of currencies. And the margin of the buying and selling rate is call profit.  
United States Dollars ($) and Euro (€) are the hottest and favorite currencies in the Forex market. These are like martini for the James Bonds of Forex market. The other most popular currencies are the Canadian Dollar (CAD), the Australian dollar (AUD), the New Zealand Dollar (NZD) and the Japanese Yen (¥). There are many examples of people in the market who has changed there fortunes by Forex trading. Warren Buffet, the world's richest man has invested his more than 20 billion dollars in Forex market.
With the change in technology Forex market has changed its mode of trading also. Earlier forex trading was done through telephone only. Now many companies are providing user friendly online trading panel in the forex market.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is Forex market ????

What is Forex market ????
forex, forex trading, forex marketing

Forex market is the world’s biggest currency exchanging market that bye and sell money between countries and nations. It can make many people richer and prosperous. But what is Forex? What is the meaning of Forex market?
Forex is the combination of starting words of two letters that are Foreign and exchange. Where the place that exchange money (buy and sell) and make profit is called as Forex Market.
In forex trading, currencies are exchanged to earn profit. The most important feature of this trading is that it is done on global level means people around the world can place trades and earn profits. It is estimated that more than trillion US dollars trading is done in a day. Forex trading like share market works for 5 days starting from Monday and ends at Friday making it 24/7 business. The big guns of forex trades are large banks, International corporations and large financial institutions.
The theme of forex trade is "free floating currencies". "Free floating currencies" are used for those currencies which are not supported by any specific product like diamond, gold, silver, oil etc.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What is this Forex Trading?????

What is this Forex Trading?????

Currency trading is the trading of foreign currencies on the currency market. This is exchange where a States currency is traded for currencies from all over the world. Collaborating in Foreign exchange trading suggests that you are taking part in an international market in which a large number of currency fluctuations occur due to lots of different factors. Profits generated in this market are generally in the trillions of bucks each day and millions of folk from many backgrounds engage in it across the world.

Forex trading is the trading of foreign currencies on the currency market. This is exchange where a States currency is traded for currencies from across the world. Participating in Currency exchange trading suggests that you are collaborating in a global market in which a huge number of currency fluctuations happen due to several different factors. Profits generated in this market are usually in the trillions of greenbacks each day and millions of folks from many backgrounds engage in it across the world.

Many people make this their first way of making a living, whilst for others, it as an only a further source of earnings. There are folks who have gained great profits very quickly and at the same time there are those that have lost their fortunes in this market. As with anything, you want to try and look after many things in first, for example a total experience of the foreign exchange market, enough money to trade with, a consistent gage on the tick of the market, as well as expert information.

Foreign exchange trading is an example of the largest, most liquid and most well-liked methods of earning bonafide money online that operates round the clock. One estimate has Foreign exchange trading generating exchanges in the range of three trillion greenbacks each day and still growing. So , it implies a large amount of money is concerned in it, so if you're able to take right calls at the right time you can earn a massive amount of cash. And, the brilliant thing is, anyone can take part in this market virtually from anywhere on the planet.

Another most remarkable feature of Foreign exchange trading is that up to a great extent it is different from a market as it is split into assorted levels of access. At lowest level you may find little investors, whilst at the top level you will find inter-bank market that has huge investment banking firms and establishments that deal in billions of bucks every day. But that shouldn’t daunt little stockholders who have a couple of hundred to few thousands of bucks to cope with. In reality, re number of participators, they've a clear majority.

Just like every other business venture, you want to supply yourself with the right knowledge, have a total understanding, and have to have patience and endurance. Watch out about falling into the trap for those service suppliers or corporations that guarantee to make you large profits straight away. Rather than accepting short term gains, always look for strategies that will help you invest for the long haul. In selecting a company or service supplier, always look for their past track record and consumer feedback. Unless you have complete data about the foreign exchange market, its trading elements, and its fluctuations, no-one will help you make money in this market. Find your own trading style coupled with the expert knowledge and tips and start investing slowly and steadily.

Hear the professionals but when it comes to making a call, ask, as you are investing your money. When you develop your own methods based on your own feelings and guidance from pros and technical researchers, you need to become an expert financier. The absence of guidance and you'll be aimlessly throwing your money away rather than getting paid from Foreign exchange trading.

Introduction to Forex Trading

Introduction to Forex Trading
Forex, Forex Trading,

Forex trading is all about buying and selling and it is the most tempting methods to get profits. Also, it can be very easy to lose as much or even more. You will need a lot of patience to master the art of Forex trading. You have to get some good forex trading guide to get yourselves started in the right track.

Forex market is one of the largest trading markets ever. Due to the high volatility, all trades can be filled in real-time and the market is very fast moving. The most challenging about trading forex can probably be tackling at the right price and closing the position at a right time for the good profit.

Initially for forex trading, only large banks are allowed to perform trades. For now, due to the advance technology of internet trading and margin accounts, almost any individual can do forex trading. This in turn has added to the liquidity of the forex market. Due to the popularity of forex, there are many forex trading guide floating around online.

With this, do you think it is easy to make money through trading forex? Let’s consider some few facts here.

From the research done by Forex brokers, 90 percent of the traders has ended losing their money to the market in the long run. The other 5 percent can only break even. Only the reminding 5 percent can profit a steady income. This makes trading forex sounds not as simple as it seems.

Although it can be hard, you can still make money by learning from these 5 percent who are making consistent income from forex. These forex trading guide can help you increase your odds in winning the game

Learn Yourself

You have to understand and educate your self to every single details of Forex trading. The successful traders know every trade that they made and the odds of winning. On every trade, it is a possibility to learn new things too.

The Trading System

Successful traders have their profitable trading system and strategy. On top of that, they have the discipline to stick to their systems without distractions. It is because they know that their systems will work well and have confidence in it.

Even with these simple forex trading guide, success will not happen overnight. A lot of patience and discipline need to be follow in order to accomplish success.

Monday, October 10, 2011

How to insert AdSense ads to Your Blog

How to insert AdSense ads to Your Blog 

I think you have already known how to get Adsense approval. If you have an AdSense account now you should have an email address which is associated to your Google AdSense account. 

In here I am going to show you how to apply Google AdSense to your blogger blog if you have an existing Google AdSense account. It is easy and only takes few minutes. After applying you can start making money. Now let’s get in to the topic,

First go to your blogger “DASHBOARD” and click on “MONTETISE” tab.

Then you will see the following window. On that window select “SIGN UP FOR ADSENSE” 

Now you will see the following window. In this window you can select the locations to display ads. Select it and click on “NEXT

After that step, you will come to following window. In this window you have two options to select. If you have an existing account you can select the second choice (Use an existing Adsense account). Or
if you don’t have an account you can select the first option and request for new AdSense account through blogger for this blog.

If you select second option, a form appeared below the option. Type your Adsense account email address in to that space for email and provide your postal code to the other box. Press next button and enjoy AdSense on your blog.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Best Places for your Google Adsense ad box

Best Places for your Google Adsense ad box

When you put google ad box to your blog or website you can put your ads on any place of your blog as your wish. Sometimes you get hits sometimes not. From them we can see most people are looking for more hits on ads. So they experiment different places to place their ads. But according to some researches they have identified ads in several places on your blog can get more hits comparing to the ads on other places. 

In the following image you can see where to put Google ads to get maximum number of hits.

Dark Red color areas are getting higher number of clicks comparing to other places.
Light Red color areas are getting low number of clicks.
All other places show equal performances.

Now I am going to tell you my personal opinion. According to my experience most number of clicks generated on ads just above the post, just below the menu bar and inside top left corner of the post (Just see how I have locate Google AdSense ads). Just think what I am saying is rational or not.

1.       Ads just above the post

When somebody came to read a about Adsense, the first place he has noticed is the title of the post and just above it. So the visibility of ads is more when you place ads just above the post.

2.       Ads just below the menu bar

Once you place ads on this place the visitor will think ads as a part of the menu bar if they not noticed it is powered by Google. So there will be more accidental clicks on your ads. And also this place has high visibility.

3.       Ads on left top corner of the post (inside the post)

While your readers reading a post, they will always take their eyes to the left side of the post to read the post repeatedly. Then he will notice your ads and if he feels any importance of those ads he will click on it. The visibility of ads is high on this place as well.

The other places of the blog will give equal result. Evan though I don’t use ads at the end of the post, I personally think it is good to have ads just below your post. 
As Google mentioned, you need to answer following questions prior to implement your Google ads.

         What is the user trying to accomplish by visiting my site?
 ·         What do they do when viewing a particular page?
 ·         Where is their attention likely to be focused?
 ·         How can I integrate ads into this area without getting in the users' way?
 ·         How can I keep the page looking clean, uncluttered and inviting?"

But everything depends on your user and their behavior. If they notice some other place in your blog rather than the places I have already mentioned, you need to insert your ads on those places rather than placing them on traditional places. So it is important to think about your ad placement to make more money with Google AdSense.

I would like to hear your opinion on placement of Google AdSense on your blog. Sometimes you may have different experience, opinions and ideas. Share it with me here.


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